Sales isn’t an issue for you…

Seth Capital
2 min readJan 4, 2021

Sales is one of the craziest topic around the internet!

Everybody is talking about selling but no one is really talking about the art of building great relationships with your customers.

Selling, here and there, will never grow your brand to the new heights.

You need to have a proper strategy to connect with your existing customers and make them happy and satisfied with your brand.

Repeat customers are the key to more sales!

No matter, how much you spend on ads; if you don’t build an audience then you might be flushing your cash down your toilet.

Even if, you have built an audience on Social Media.

Have you ever tried to connect with them?

Most brands in the social media sphere are just pushing their offers down the throats of their customers.

Your customers are human beings not cash cows. Treat them like humans and understand their needs, emotions and desires.

Your priority should be to help people get their needs satisfied; not to push your products.

Traffic and sales isn’t the issue.

The main issue is in the nurturing of the people you reach through your traffic sources. You shouldn’t be selling to people who don’t know your brand but to people who understand your brand’s mission.

You should be funneling your ideal prospects down a smooth funnel and treat them well with specific content strategies. The more you nurture and engage with them in humanly ways, the more the sales you get from them.

I have a question for you:

Have you ever purchased from a brand who is always trying to sell you?

Your answer might be… NO!

If that’s your answer then you really are aware that pushing your products in the market isn’t going to serve your customers better.

Here are the key points, I want you to take away from this answer:

  • Selling is connecting the needs with solutions.
  • Connecting with your existing audience will reveal better results.
  • Don’t sell everyday to your social media following.
  • Help your ideal customers with your content marketing.
  • Don’t sell to the cold traffic (it requires at least 7 ad impressions, which is costly, to sell to a cold person).
  • Drive cold paid traffic to your social media for better results.
  • Engage with your social media audience in post comments and messages.
  • Social media should be the part of your marketing strategy.

The above points when done correctly will yield better results.

If you need any help with sales then send me an Email on



Seth Capital

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